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Discovery can be understood simply as the exchange of information between the parties in a personal injury case, including the exchange of evidence, witnesses and facts about the case.

California law allows the 4 standard types of discovery:

  1. Interrogatories. Written documents with a list of questions to be sent to each party involved in a case.
  2. Requests for admission. One party asks another to admit the truth of any relevant fact.
  3. Production of documents. In a typical personal injury case, requests for production allow a party to access and make copies of another person's records.
  4. Depositions. A party asks another party or witness questions under oath. Depositions are very important to personal injury claims.

While discovery takes a large portion of time in a personal injury case, it is absolutely necessary. Discovery allows a lawyer to build a strong argument for who is at fault and what compensation a plaintiff deserves.

With over 35 years of experience in personal injury claims, Goldberg Injury Lawyers can help you reach the best settlement possible. Contact us for a free consultation.


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